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Killarmy como se transmite el parasito oxiuros Emanuel Epuraș suggested changes to these lyrics. Review changes The Lyrics for Bad Joke by Paraziții have been translated ovarian cancer jokes 1 languages "I: Any rock is a wall when you're small and you're scratching a hole Free fall, life is like pinball I love you when you call me a genius I wanna change your DNA with my penis You ain't nothing but a fake dog, I'm a true dog Fuck it, not makin' love, yo, it's all about the life You can see from the outer space my dick' size With your own eyes, but you can't see me Smoking weed on my roof all night I'm sick of whole life, sick of my future wife This is not a confession, my real intention Is to keep you on hard pressure I'm bad joke parazitii lyrics good man with bad intentions you're dating So many curses in the slang of my native language No offence, I'm losing the common sense when I feel the hip-hop classic BPM My message is not violent, but in a violent way I make myself heard in a violent environment ovarian cancer jokes You got a low I.

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